Silence of the Tides
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Silence of the Tides
image movie

A film that inhales and exhales along with the tides of the Wadden Sea as it explores the fragile relationship between man and nature.

Silence of the Tides is a cinematic tribute to the Wadden Sea,
the world’s largest, and most varied, uninterrupted intertidal area, extending along the coasts of The Netherlands, Germany and Denmark.

The film plays witness to the rough, yet fragile relationship between man and nature as it pulsates with the inhaling and exhaling of the tides. It’s a hypnotizing large screen look into the cycles and contrasts of the seasons: life and death, storm and silence, the masses and the individual. All set against a larger than life backdrop of sky, water, wind, mist and constantly changing light.

With his observational style and eye for detail, Director Pieter-Rim de Kroon presents the Wadden region as one massive, living breathing organism, where all the elements interlock, influenced by the position of the Moon and Sun, and the magical energy from the Cosmos.

Production info
Silence of the Tides is especially made for Cinema and is the first Dolby Atmos production in The Netherlands. Dolby Atmos allows you to experience multi-dimensional sound with incredible clarity that brings you deeper into the story. With Dolby Atmos, sound can be precisely placed anywhere in the cinema, even overhead, creating an immersive soundscape that sounds more like real life.
Silence of the Tides is shot in 2017, 2018 and 2019 in The Netherlands, Germany and Denmark.

Technique: Full frame 6K Cine Alta Venice camera system and Sigma prime cine lenses.
Release: 4K DCP large screen. 1:2.39
Sound: Dolby Atmos in selected theatres
Production company:

Silence of the Tides was supported by the Netherlands Film Fund and the Netherlands Film Production Incentive in coproduction with AVROTROS and Bildersturm Filmproduktion, with the support of CoBO Fund, Province of Noord-Holland, NDR, WDR and Wild at Art

  • Opening film International Wildlife Film Festival 2021
  • Opening film Northern Film Festival 2021
  • Opening film Guangzhou International Documentary Film Festival China 2022
  • Special Jury Mention IDFA 2020
  • Selection IDFA Extended
  • Best feature film Natourale Nature & Environment Festival Wiesbaden 2020
  • WWF Award Thessaloniki Film Festival Greece 2021
  • Nomination best feature documentary Netherlands Film Festival
  • Nomination best sound design Netherlands Film Festival
  • Grand Prix Wildlife International Film Festival 2021
  • Award for special contribution to Northern Cinema/Northern Film Festival 2021
  • Best Cinematography Shape of Life International Film Festival Perm, Russia 2021
  • Berlinale 2021 selection

Windmill Film Distribution
